Hey boys,
First off, sorry about the lack of content these past couple months, I've been really busy with both school, moving out, and getting my life together. This year has not been fun. So far I've had my pet frog die, my phone shatter, flunked out of college and was temporarily homeless. I've managed to stay sane in no small part thanks to the fact I've got a community that counts on me to deliver artwork for them. Truth be told, I'm surprised my follower count didn't totally tank while I was away. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you guys rock! It's an absolute pleasure to receive your feedback and I look forward to posting more artwork in the future.
That being said, I have returned to the newgrounds, tremble before me! More moe girls, gore and grimdark abominations on the way.
Also, here's a picture of me to show that I'm only a low level eldritch abomination.
PS: I've added a donate option on under links on my user page should any of you wish to help me out financially. Gives me more time to make artwork!
forgot to mention, if any of you have Elden Ring, hit me up.